School Information Rockford Schools - Rockford Schools COVID-19 Updates and Information (Communications page) Anoka Hennepin Schools - Anoka Hennepin COVID-19 Updates and Information District 728 - Rogers COVID-19 Updates and Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other Resources: All Parks Alliance For Change - Resources and information specifically related to mobile home park residents! FAQs about evictions, foreclosures, rent, and more resources.
Childcare Questions: State Hotline for Childcare Questions is open between 7 am and 7 pm. Metro: 651-297-1304 Greater MN 1-800-657-3504
Education and At-Home Learning Resources: General/All subjects
Calvert Home School: Calvert is offering its online homeschool system for free for the next 3 months. Starting Tuesday night, Calvert will allow parents to sign up and use their services to teach their kids.
Great Minds: Free digital math and English language arts materials, including instructional materials, support resources, and free daily recorded lessons.
Minnesota Department of Education: Minnesota-specific COVID-19 updates from the Minnesota Department of Education, including FAQ on school closures and guidance on distance learning.
NewSchools: Curated list of free resources for teachers, schools, and parents. The list is updated frequently.
PAVE: A frequently updated list of education companies that are offering free subscriptions due to school closings.
PIE Network: A collection of resources for states, districts, families, educators, students, and advocates.
ST Math: MIND Research Institute is offering no-cost access to ST Math for parents, schools, and districts for students in grades K-8.
TNTP: Strategies and resources that school districts can use as they plan for high-quality, online learning opportunities.
US Department of Education: Resources for educators and local leaders on K-12 flexibilities, student privacy, and educating students with disabilities during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Khan Academy (all grades): Video lessons and practice across a wide variety of topics at all grade levels, from preschool through graduation. Check out the step-by-step video and quick-start guide for using remote instruction. High school math lessons, in particular, are a great accompaniment to teacher-created materials.
Scholastic (K-8): Free lessons for all content areas.
Reading A to Z (elementary): Encompasses Myon, Starfall, and IXL. Basic reading practice for learning readers; lean on the resources already in use in your school. Also offers authentic Spanish books.
EPIC (elementary): Digital library for elementary students. Teachers must sign up and invite students. Also available in Spanish.
TumbleBooks (elementary): Digital library for elementary students.
Unite for Literacy (elementary): Digital library for elementary students.
Time for Kids (elementary): Student articles for grades K-6; good for knowledge-building reading.
CommonLit (upper elementary/secondary): More than 2,000 high-quality free reading passages for grades 3-12.
Newsela (upper elementary/secondary): Nonfiction texts at different independent reading levels paired with activities, including news articles, science pieces, and social studies pieces.
New York Times writing curriculum(secondary): Flexible program for middle and high schools based on the real-world writing found in newspapers, from editorials and reviews to personal narratives and analysis essays.
Eureka (all grades): Great Minds is sharing free, recorded daily lessons delivered by their own teachers, viewable on any device (including smart phones). If possible, send students home with their Eureka Math student books.
Desmos (3-12): Interactive graphing activities to help students visualize and represent mathematics across mainly secondary mathematics topics, but some elementary topics are also included in their list of featured collections here.
Dreambox (K-8): Gamified, adaptive, online K-8 math program designed for developmental math strategies (paper/pencil should not be used). Currently free.
PhD Science (3-5): Great Minds is sharing free, recorded daily lessons delivered by their own teachers, viewable on any device (including smart phones). If possible, send students home with their Ph.D. Science module 4 logbooks.
Zearn: Free digital math materials and guidance to support distance/virtual learning for families and educators
Healthy Exercise Mindful Movement Techniques - by Allina Health - There are movements that calm, movements that energize, movements that help with sleep, movements that ignite gratitude and movements that improve athletic performance.
Food/Lunches Food for Families and Children - Crowdsourced list of restaurants offering free and reduced meals to families affected by school closures and COVID-19. Please call ahead if traveling to a location.
KSTP Listing - List of restaurants offering free lunches to students while K-12 schools are closed
Riverworks Foodshelf - Working with Rockford schools to assist with getting lunches to families. Hours: Mon and Thurs 5:30-7:30 pm and Tues 9:30-11:00 am.
CROSS Services - 763-425-1050 - Our local food bank is putting together a plan for assistance during this epidemic and will offer more information as it becomes available.
Groceries/Transportation If you are within our parks and need assistance with groceries or transportation because you fit within the "vulnerable population" (60+ or showing symptoms) please call or send a message to your Mobile Hope site director (Jill Dejewski for Corcoran / Cathy Walter for Dayton)
Ideas for what activities to do with students at home: Simple Ideas - One news site put together a few very simple ideas to keep kids occupied KLTV Ideas - KLTV put together some safe and productive things for kids while staying home
Undocumented Communities COVID Resources for Undocumented Communities - Crowdsourced spreadsheet with national and state resources - scroll down for national resources, and state by state. Go Fund Me - A Go Fund Me account designated for immigrant families that do not qualify for national/state/local fund assistance
Unemployment Unemployment Insurance - “If your employment has been affected by COVID-19, you can apply for unemployment benefits. After you apply, we will let you know if you are eligible.”
Utilities Century Link - "For the next 60 days, we’ve committed to waive late fees and to not terminate a residential or small business customer’s service due to financial circumstances associated with COVID-19. We are also suspending data usage limits for consumer customers during this time period due to COVID-19."
Xcel Energy/Centerpoint Suspends Disconnections - “As communities and families face the challenges caused by the spread of COVID-19, Xcel Energy will not disconnect residential customers’ electric or natural gas service until further notice. This step will help ensure people have the energy they need to power their homes and keep their families safe. In addition, for customers who have difficulty paying their electric or natural gas bill, the company will work with them to arrange payment plans that meet their circumstances.”
Water Shut-offs suspended for 30 days - “Mayor Jacob Frey announced Friday morning that Minneapolis will be suspending water shutoffs for a month, due to public health concerns from the coronavirus (COVID-19).”
Comcast offering ‘Internet Essentials’ package free for low-income customers for 60 days - “As the country deals with the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect more low-income families to the Internet at home. Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, new Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service. We are also increasing the speed of the program to 25 Mbps downloads, and 3 Mbps uploads for all new and existing customers.”